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Warning! To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all fixing parts are fastened.Never leave your child unattended. Warning! To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all...
Warning! To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all fixing parts are fastened.Never leave your child unattended. Warning! To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all...
Attention!To prevent asphyxiation, make sure all fixings are properly fastened. Never leave the baby unattended. There are no inner braces in size 74 Attention!To prevent asphyxiation, make sure all fixings...
Attention!To prevent asphyxiation, make sure all fixings are properly fastened. Never leave the baby unattended. There are no inner braces in size 74 Attention!To prevent asphyxiation, make sure all fixings...
Warning!To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all fixing parts are fastened.Never leave your child unattended. Warning!To avoid suffocation, always make sure that all...